Liam Quane
As a filmmaker
Born and raised in Skelmersdale, Lancashire Liam Quane was drawn to cinema as a young teenager and has made a reputation for himself as an eclectic and compelling storyteller with a focus on high-concept ideas made with a low budget. His first three short films pushed the narrative envelope with their unique explorations of social media time travel, monstrous teddy bears, and haunted streetlights. Liam has since become a published author with his novel, Road to Juneau.
As a novelist
After gaining experience making short films, writing screenplays, and editing music videos, Liam turned to a different storytelling venture in the form of novels. And, after reading six of them, he wrote his own in a hectic hail of key presses and dicey guesses. This bullheaded effort morphed into what would later be called “Road to Juneau," a science-fantasy epic that itself became a quarterfinalist in the prestigious SPSFC Competition.